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Showing posts from 2009

Merry Christmas!

Another year nearly over...


Some creatures are not always keen to hatch... A quick one for IF

From the cabinet

The best sort of holiday is one filled with strange curiosities...

The view from abroad

It's that time of year again - a time for balmy nights on another shore.

One today

This blog is one year old!

Cripes! Space biscuits!

They said it was impossible, they said it was madness, they said it was, frankly, a waste of money... but the naysayers are eating humble pie now (or should that be humble biscuits...?) Yes - the first bourbon* in space! Another IF illo (bit late). *Mmm, my favourite!


... and surroundings. A beautiful part of the country. In a strange case of synchronicity, I've just started reading The Remains of the Day , which also references Salisbury.

A day out

Today was spent listening to music... ... and reflecting...